Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I spent my holidays on Blender, tinkering with my latest project: a body for the head I released in 2013! A bunch of people have asked me which program is best for creating projects to 3D print. It depends on your needs! Professionals use Maya/3DS Max/Rhino/Mudbox for art, Solidworks for engineering, Tinkercad for bored children, etc. After using those, I've found that Blender is the best free open-source alternative to these professional programs.

Currently, my projects range from functional (jointing, architecture models) to artsy (sculpted figurines.) Blender handles these very well. There are very few things it can't do.
During my Blender binge, I've almost entirely avoided sunlight, and may or may not resemble a vampire. Woo!

My latest project is an 1/8 scale figurine with moving parts and functional joints that bend past 90 degrees. The figurine is strung with thin nylon elastic.

The new head, neck, and body were printed in white ABS plastic. They were printed on a high resolution American 3D printer, which I sourced via MakeXYZ (a cheap local alternative to Shapeways.) I went with Austin Floyd, who orientated my parts for a cheaper/smoother print. I keep a page on this blog dedicated to my progress, and you can read more about the planning and execution here.

Version 1 of my figurine is complete. Now, I'll work on improving aesthetics and increasing mobility in the joint areas. Here's to 2014! Perhaps this will be the year I get started on wearable tech and prosthetic parts... boohaha!!!

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